Quality-Driven Logistics
Ready-to-eat or longer shelf life? Focussing on quality enables targeting of fresh produce to specific customer needs. This leads to more-sustainable chains, more satisfied consumers and considerable cost savings. Wageningen Food & Biobased Research gives technology and logistics companies the knowledge, insights and resources to develop smart logistics solutions.
Making production chains more sustainable
How can quality be turned into a key performance indicator (KPI)? Which technology is crucial to making a production chain more sustainable? And how can a batch of ready-to-eat strawberries reach high stock-turnover supermarkets on time? Experts at Wageningen Food & Biobased Research develop instruments for managing quality in the chain and show logistics companies the best way to apply these instruments. They give technology companies insight into the added value of innovations, such as mobile sensors and data systems. With this knowledge, both logistics and technology companies can distinguish themselves in the market.
Wageningen Food & Biobased Research has a deep, broad understanding of measuring product quality, transport and storage. The organization has unique expertise in the field of quality-driven logistics and the technology needed for this. Wageningen experts know better than anyone where interventions in the chain will be most beneficial. They develop advanced in-house models to make detailed calculations of the financial and sustainability gains of such interventions.
Decision modelling and simulations
A collection of models for measuring, simulating and predicting fresh produce quality loss during logistics activities such as supply and ordering: this is what the Agro Logistical Analysis and Design Instrument (ALADIN) has to offer. The tool makes quality-driven logistics possible. The instrument, developed by experts from Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, provides insight into the effects of interventions before they are implemented.
Want to know more?
Focusing on quality in the chain? Wageningen Food & Biobased Research offers the knowledge, insights and tools to establish smart logistics solutions. Please contact us for a no-obligation meeting.
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Wageningen Food & Biobased Research is working on various solutions within this research programme: