Health Benefits of Foods
Nutrition research holds great promise in finding solutions to positively influence human health and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.
Wageningen Food & Biobased Research evaluates the health benefits of foods from lead finding (screening to identify promising compounds) and preclinical research (in vitro and in vivo), all the way up to human clinical trials. Our ultimate aim is to provide evidence-based information supporting optimal health for all throughout the life span.
Healthy foods: beyond basic nutrition
Foods provide taste, aroma and nutritive value and are being examined intensively for physiological effects related to maintaining and optimising health and reducing the risk of major chronic diseases.
Claims linking the consumption of foods or food ingredients with beneficial health outcomes require sound scientific substantiation and regulatory approval. This requires a body of consistent, relevant evidence from well-designed clinical, epidemiologic and laboratory studies that support a plausible mechanism of action.
Understanding science and the complex relationships between food and health is critically important in order to develop science-based nutrition guidelines that guide public policy and programmes.
Tailored solutions for health benefit substantiation
Wageningen Food & Biobased Research can assist to design and professionally manage and conduct clinical trials to evaluate the health benefits of foods or food ingredients and facilitate the scientific substantiation of health claims, policies and recommendations.
We have a wide collaborative network and excellent in-home research facilities to provide end-to-end research solutions all the way from in vitro experiments to human clinical studies, and are happy to offer tailored advice on how to optimize a study design, analyse statistical data or disseminate study results.
End-to-end research solutions
Wageningen Food & Biobased Research provides full-service clinical trial support that meets the highest quality standards, customized to meet the needs of our clients.
A typical example is the IBSQutrition project in which we combined in vitro gut models with in vivo intervention trials to identify (new) links between food, food components and dietary patterns, and better quality of life for people with irritable bowel syndrome.
Studies in a unique real-life setting are also possible. In the FIBER study participants received meal boxes with fibre-enriched or control products, at home, to examine the effect of extrinsic wheat fibres on bowel movements.
Partner with us!
We look forward to connecting with you and learning how we can help with your specific research needs. Ready to discuss your project? Please contact us.