Nutrition to support T-cell therapy
Wageningen Food & Biobased Research and Erasmus MC – medical oncology are researching whether nutritional components such as beta-glucans and FIPs will improve the efficacy of T-cell therapy to treat melanoma.
T-cell therapy
Therapy based on T-cells is quite effective to treat tumors like melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Despite strong anti-tumor effects, in many patients the cancer re-appears after some time. Our researchers expect that the success of T-cell therapy will increase and result in more lasting effects when the T-cell therapy is supported by oral intake of beta-glucans or fungal immunomodulatory proteins (FIPs). This approach, nutrition to support anti-tumor therapy, represents a new perspective on medicine.
Stimulating T-cells
The research consists of laboratory studies where different beta-glucans and FIPs are tested for their stimulatory effect on T-cells. After this, the most effective beta-glucans and FIPs will be tested in dedicated melanoma models in combination with T-cell therapy. The objective of this project is to identify beta-glucan(s) and/or FIP(s) that will improve the efficacy and long lasting effects of anti-tumor T-cell therapy and as such will be given as oral adjuvants to patients undergoing anti-tumor therapy.