ATP and GDP tests for transport equipment
Cold-chain operators are increasingly striving to improve the sustainability of their transportation systems. Key challenges include reducing energy use and improving climate conditions during transportation. Wageningen’s researchers have the expertise and a unique conditioned test facility in which they can optimise every type of conditioned transport of food or medicine. A variety of services are available for ATP and GDP tests.
ATP testing
Wageningen Food & Biobased Research' Testing Services lab operates as one of the few ATP testing facilities in the EU and is fully ISO17025 accredited to perform ATP measurements (EN ISO/IEC 17025; registration number L679 on the RvA website).
- K-value test: determines the insulation value of transport equipment (single and multi-compartment tests).
- Effective refrigeration capacity test: determines the maximum capacity of the refrigeration unit in a single compartment application.
- Multi-compartment refrigeration capacity test: determines the maximum capacity of the refrigeration unit in a multi compartment application.
- Verification of effectiveness of equipment in service (pull down test): measures how fast the temperature of the cargo hold decreases.
Once you’ve received a test report, you can apply for an ATP certificate from any qualified institution in the EU.
More information?
If you’d like more information on ATP inspections and certification, please get in touch.
Good Distribution Practices (GDP)
When medicines and active pharmaceutical ingredients are transported, the transport equipment has to meet certain minimum standards. The "EU guidelines on good distribution practice of medicinal products for human use" require qualification tests to be performed on transport equipment in advance. The purpose of these qualification tests is to show that the equipment an operator is intending to use is capable of maintaining a specified temperature range during the transportation of the pharmaceutical goods. The most critical temperature range is known as the ‘chilled range’, defined as 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. Wageningen Food & Biobased Research can provide qualification tests for all kinds of transport equipment. The main elements of qualification tests are usually:
- SteadyState test: does the temperature of the cargo stay within the required temperature limits in both warm summer conditions and cold winter conditions?
- Power-off test: what happens to the cargo temperature when refrigeration fails?
- Door opening test: what happens to the cargo temperature when the doors are opened (loading/unloading)?
More information?
If you’d like more information on performing GDP qualification tests, please get in touch.