The weather in the Amazon is more often dry nowadays and when it is, the world's biggest rainforest produces vast quantities of CO2. This may be the forest's death warrant, with serious consequences for climate. Wageningen researchers see both signs of stress and a surprising degree of resilience.
A lot of water combined with heat and sunlight provide ideal conditions for luxuriant plant growth. This becomes apparent when rain suddenly becomes scarce, as it did in 2005, 2010 and 2015. The vegetation grew at a slower pace and there were more forest fires.
The forest remains a tropical rainforest
Drought causes problems for trees and other plants which are used to a humid environment. The crowns of trees thin out and some trees die off completely. The response of forests to more frequent droughts is surprising: the forest may change in the composition of species present but it remains tropical rainforest, with more or less the same amount of biomass and of sequestrated CO2.
Research chair group Meteorology and Air Quality
Ingrid van der Laan-Luijkx, assistant professor at the Meteorology and Air Quality chair group, can see such effects from Wageningen by studying the air quality above the Amazon. Van der Laan's lab is working with Brazilian researchers who take regular air samples from a small plane at different altitudes above the Amazon.
Want to know more?
- What will the Amazon do? Wageningen World, 2016-4
- Regional atmospheric CO2 inversion reveals seasonal and geographic differences in Amazon net biome exchange, Global Change Biology, 28 April 2016
- Collecting air above the Amazon. Resource, 12 Feb 2015
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Projects about the Amazon
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Oil palm agroforestry in theBrazilian Amazon
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The role of aquatic-terrestrial coupling in the resilience of Amazonian floodplain forests to fire (Brazil)
Publications about the Amazon
Rainfall seasonality shapes belowground root trait dynamics in an Amazonian tropical rainforest : A test of the stress-dominance hypothesis
Valverde-Barrantes, Oscar J. , Lugli, Laynara F. , Fuchslueger, Lucia , Hofhansl, Florian , Martins, Nathielly , Cordeiro, Amanda L. , Schapp, Karst , Anderson, Kelly , Garcia, Sabrina , Grandis, Adriana , Miron, Carol A. , Fleisher, Katrin , Hoosbeek, Marcel R. , Hartley, Ian P. , Oblitas Mendoza, Erick , Lapola, David , Quesada, Carlos A. Functional Ecology (2025) - ISSN 0269-8463 -
Floodplain forests drive fruit-eating fish diversity at the Amazon Basin-scale
Correa, Sandra Bibiana , Coronado-Franco, Karold V. , Jézéquel, Celine , Cantarute Rodrigues, Amanda , Evans, Kristine O. , Granger, Joshua J. , Ter Steege, Hans , Leão do Amaral, Iêda , de Souza Coelho, Luiz , Wittmann, Florian , de Almeida Matos, Francisca Dionízia , de Andrade Lima Filho, Diógenes , Salomão, Rafael P. , Castilho, Carolina V. , Guevara, Juan Ernesto , de Jesus Veiga Carim, Marcelo , Phillips, Oliver L. , Fernandez Piedade, Maria Teresa , Demarchi, Layon O. , Schöngart, Jochen , Cardenas Revilla, Juan David , Pires Martins, Maria , Irume, Mariana Victória , da Silva Guimarães, José Renan , Ferreira Ramos, José , Costa Quaresma, Adriano , Pitman, Nigel C.A. , Luize, Bruno Garcia , Moraes de Leão Novo, Evlyn Márcia , Martins Venticinque, Eduardo , Sanna Freire Silva, Thiago , Núñez Vargas, Percy , Manzatto, Angelo Gilberto , Farias Costa Reis, Neidiane , Terborgh, John , Casula, Katia Regina , Honorio Coronado, Euridice N. , Montero, Juan Carlos , Monteagudo Mendoza, Abel , Feldpausch, Ted R. , Machado Durgante, Flávia , Castaño Arboleda, Nicolás , Marimon, Beatriz S. , Marimon-Junior, Ben Hur , Killeen, Timothy J. , Vasquez, Rodolfo , Mostacedo, Bonifacio , Assis, Rafael L. , Dantas do Amaral, Dário , Householder, John Ethan , Simon, Marcelo Fragomeni , Brilhante de Medeiros, Marcelo , Lima de Queiroz, Helder , Lopes, Maria Aparecida , Lima Magalhães, José Leonardo , Stevenson, Pablo R. , Barçante Ladvocat Cintra, Bruno , Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro , Baker, Tim R. , Oliveira Feitosa, Yuri , Mogollón, Hugo F. , Duivenvoorden, Joost F. , Ferreira, Leandro Valle , de Toledo, José Julio , Comiskey, James A. , Lopes, Aline , Damasco, Gabriel , Vicentini, Alberto , Cornejo Valverde, Fernando , Gomes, Vitor H.F. , Alonso, Alfonso , Dallmeier, Francisco , P de Aguiar, Daniel P. , Gribel, Rogerio , Licona, Juan Carlos , Villa Zegarra, Boris Eduardo , Carneiro Guedes, Marcelino , Cerón, Carlos , Thomas, Raquel , Milliken, William , Campelo, Wegliane , Albuquerque, Bianca Weiss , Klitgaard, Bente , Tello, J.S. , Fuentes Claros, Alfredo , Rivas-Torres, Gonzalo , Phillips, Juan Fernando , von Hildebrand, Patricio , Gonzales, Therany , Vela, César I.A. , Hoffman, Bruce , Flores, Bernardo Monteiro , Pombo, Maihyra Marina , Rocha, Maira , Holmgren, Milena , Cano, Angela , Umaña, Maria Natalia , Casas, Luisa Fernanda , Balslev, Henrik , Urrego Giraldo, Ligia Estela , Bigorne, Rémy , Oberdorff, Thierry , Maldonado-Ocampo, Javier A. , Ortega, Hernan , Hidalgo, Max , Martens, Koen , Torrente-Vilara, Gislene , Zuanon, Jansen , Acosta, Astrid , Agudelo, Edwin , Barrera Maure, Soraya , Bastos, Douglas A. , Bogotá Gregory, Juan , Cabeceira, Fernando G. , Canto, André L.C. , Carvajal-Vallejos, Fernando M. , Carvalho, Lucélia N. , Cella-Ribeiro, Ariana , Covain, Raphaël , Dias, Murilo S. , Donascimiento, Carlos , Dória, Carolina R.C. , Duarte, Cleber , Ferreira, Efrem J.G. , Galuch, André V. , Giarrizzo, Tommaso , Leitão, Rafael P. , Lundberg, John G. , Maldonado, Mabel , Mojica, José I. , Montag, Luciano F.A. , Ohara, William , Pires, Tiago H.S. , Pouilly, Marc , Prada-Pedreros, Saúl , de Queiroz, Luiz J. , Rapp Py-Daniel, Lucia , Ribeiro, Frank R.V. , Ríos Herrera, Raúl , Rodrigues Dos Anjos, Marcelo , Lourenco, Igor Hister , Sarmiento, Jaime , Sousa, Leandro M. , Stegmann, Lis F. , Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan , Villa, Francisco , Yunoki, Takayuki , Tedesco, Pablo A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2025), Volume: 122, Issue: 3 - ISSN 0027-8424 -
Phylogenetic conservatism in the relationship between functional and demographic characteristics in Amazon tree taxa
Sanchez-Martinez, Pablo , Dexter, Kyle G. , Draper, Freddie C. , Baraloto, Chris , Leão do Amaral, Iêda , de Souza Coelho, Luiz , de Almeida Matos, Francisca Dionízia , de Andrade Lima Filho, Diógenes , Salomão, Rafael P. , Wittmann, Florian , Castilho, Carolina V. , de Jesus Veiga Carim, Marcelo , Guevara, Juan Ernesto , Phillips, Oliver L. , Magnusson, William E. , Sabatier, Daniel , Cardenas Revilla, Juan David , Molino, Jean François , Irume, Mariana Victória , Pires Martins, Maria , da Silva Guimarães, José Renan , Ferreira Ramos, José , Bánki, Olaf S. , Fernandez Piedade, Maria Teresa , Cárdenas López, Dairon , Pitman, Nigel C.A. , Demarchi, Layon O. , Schöngart, Jochen , Garcia Luize, Bruno , Moraes de Leão Novo, Evlyn Márcia , Núñez Vargas, Percy , Freire Silva, Thiago Sanna , Martins Venticinque, Eduardo , Manzatto, Angelo Gilberto , Costa Reis, Neidiane Farias , Terborgh, John , Casula, Katia Regina , Honorio Coronado, Euridice N. , Monteagudo Mendoza, Abel , Montero, Juan Carlos , Costa, Flávia R.C. , Feldpausch, Ted R. , Costa Quaresma, Adriano , Castaño Arboleda, Nicolás , Zartman, Charles Eugene , Killeen, Timothy J. , Marimon, Beatriz S. , Marimon-Junior, Ben Hur , Vasquez, Rodolfo , Mostacedo, Bonifacio , Assis, Rafael L. , Dantas do Amaral, Dário , Engel, Julien , Castellanos, Hernán , Brilhante de Medeiros, Marcelo , Fragomeni Simon, Marcelo , Andrade, Ana , Camargo, José Luís , Laurance, William F. , Laurance, Susan G.W. , Maniguaje Rincón, Lorena , Schietti, Juliana , Sousa, Thaiane R. , de Sousa Farias, Emanuelle , Lopes, Maria Aparecida , Lima Magalhães, José Leonardo , Mendonça Nascimento, Henrique Eduardo , Lima de Queiroz, Helder , Aymard, Gerardo , Brienen, Roel , Stevenson, Pablo R. , Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro , Barçante Ladvocat Cintra, Bruno , Baker, Tim R. , Oliveira Feitosa, Yuri , Mogollón, Hugo F. , Peres, Carlos A. , Silman, Miles R. , Ferreira, Leandro Valle , Lozada, José Rafael , Comiskey, James A. , de Toledo, José Julio , Damasco, Gabriel , Dávila, Nállarett , García-Villacorta, Roosevelt , Lopes, Aline , Vicentini, Alberto , Cornejo Valverde, Fernando , Alonso, Alfonso , Arroyo, Luzmila , Dallmeier, Francisco , Gomes, Vitor H.F. , Neill, David , Peñuela Mora, Maria Cristina , Costa Noronha, Janaína , de Aguiar, Daniel P.P. , Rodrigues Barbosa, Flávia , Bredin, Yennie K. , de Sá Carpanedo, Rainiellen , Antunes Carvalho, Fernanda , Coelho de Souza, Fernanda , Feeley, Kenneth J. , Gribel, Rogerio , Haugaasen, Torbjørn , Hawes, Joseph E. , Petratti Pansonato, Marcelo , Pipoly, John J. , Ríos Paredes, Marcos , de Jesus Rodrigues, Domingos , Barlow, Jos , Berenguer, Erika , Brasil da Silva, Izaias , Ferreira, Maria Julia , Ferreira, Joice , Fine, Paul V.A. , Carneiro Guedes, Marcelino , Levis, Carolina , Licona, Juan Carlos , Villa Zegarra, Boris Eduardo , Vos, Vincent Antoine , Cerón, Carlos , Machado Durgante, Flávia , Fonty, Émile , Henkel, Terry W. , Householder, John Ethan , Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, Isau , Silveira, Marcos , Stropp, Juliana , Thomas, Raquel , Daly, Doug , Milliken, William , Pardo Molina, Guido , Pennington, Toby , Guimarães Vieira, Ima Célia , Weiss Albuquerque, Bianca , Campelo, Wegliane , Fuentes, Alfredo , Klitgaard, Bente , Marcelo Pena, José Luis , Tello, J.S. , Vriesendorp, Corine , Chave, Jerome , Di Fiore, Anthony , Hilário, Renato Richard , de Oliveira Pereira, Luciana , Phillips, Juan Fernando , Rivas-Torres, Gonzalo , van Andel, Tinde R. , von Hildebrand, Patricio , Balee, William , Marques Barbosa, Edelcilio , de Matos Bonates, Luiz Carlos , Dávila Doza, Hilda Paulette , Zárate Gómez, Ricardo , Gonzales, Therany , Gallardo Gonzales, George Pepe , Hoffman, Bruce , Braga Junqueira, André , Malhi, Yadvinder , de Andrade Miranda, Ires Paula , Mozombite Pinto, Linder Felipe , Prieto, Adriana , Rudas, Agustín , Ruschel, Ademir R. , Silva, Natalino , Vela, César I.A. , Zent, Stanford , Zent, Egleé L. , Cano, Angela , Carrero Márquez, Yrma Andreina , Correa, Diego F. , Pedrosa Costa, Janaina Barbosa , Monteiro Flores, Bernardo , Galbraith, David , Holmgren, Milena , Kalamandeen, Michelle , Lobo, Guilherme , Montenegro, Luis Torres , Trindade Nascimento, Marcelo , Oliveira, Alexandre A. , Pombo, Maihyra Marina , Ramirez-Angulo, Hirma , Rocha, Maira , Vizoni Scudeller, Veridiana , Umaña, Maria Natalia , van der Heijden, Geertje , Vilanova Torre, Emilio , Baider, Cláudia , Balslev, Henrik , Cárdenas, Sasha , Casas, Luisa Fernanda , Farfan-Rios, William , Ferreira, Cid , Linares-Palomino, Reynaldo , Mendoza, Casimiro , Mesones, Italo , Parada, Germaine Alexander , Torres-Lezama, Armando , Villarroel, Daniel , Zagt, Roderick , Alexiades, Miguel N. , Almeida de Oliveira, Edmar , Fortier, Riley P. , Garcia-Cabrera, Karina , Hernandez, Lionel , Cuenca, Walter Palacios , Pansini, Susamar , Pauletto, Daniela , Ramirez Arevalo, Freddy , Felipe Sampaio, Adeilza , Valderrama Sandoval, Elvis H. , Valenzuela Gamarra, Luis , van der Sande, Masha , Poorter, Lourens , ter Steege, Hans Functional Ecology (2025), Volume: 39, Issue: 1 - ISSN 0269-8463 - p. 181-198. -
Fostering collective subjectivities : Technologies of the self and resistance in Colombian community forest initiatives
Zambrano-Cortés, Darío Gerardo , Behagel, Jelle , Winkel, Georg World Development (2025), Volume: 188 - ISSN 0305-750X -
Seeing rivers otherwise : Critical cartography as a form of critical pedagogy
Tubino de Souza, Daniele , van Teijlingen, Karolien , Boelens, Rutgerd , Ruales, Gabriela Geoforum (2025), Volume: 158 - ISSN 0016-7185 -
Quantifying past forest cover and biomass changes in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Witteveen, Nina H. , Kleijwegt, Zoë S. , Geara, Hana , Kool, Cathelijne , Blaus, Ansis , Saenz, Lina Cabrera , Gomes, Bianca Tacoronte , Philip, Annemarie , Bush, Mark B. , McMichael, Crystal N.H. New Phytologist (2025), Volume: 245, Issue: 1 - ISSN 0028-646X - p. 141-153. -
Decoding the Relationship Between Cloud Electrification, Downdrafts, and Surface Ozone in the Amazon Basin
Unfer, Gabriela R. , Machado, Luiz A.T. , Albrecht, Rachel I. , Cecchini, Micael A. , Harder, Hartwig , Magina, Flávio C. , Pöhlker, Mira L. , Pöschl, Ulrich , Vilà‐Guerau de Arellano, Jordi , Williams, Earle R. , Wolff, Stefan , Pöhlker, Christopher Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2025), Volume: 130, Issue: 4 - ISSN 2169-897X -
Large range sizes link fast life histories with high species richness across wet tropical tree floras
Baker, Timothy R. , Adu-Bredu, Stephen , Affum-Baffoe, Kofi , Aiba, Shin Ichiro , Akite, Perpetra , Alexiades, Miguel , Almeida, Everton , de Oliveira, Edmar Almeida , Davila, Esteban Alvarez , Amani, Christian , Andrade, Ana , Aragao, Luiz , Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro , Arets, Eric , Arroyo, Luzmila , Ashton, Peter , Ifo, Suspense Averti , Aymard, Gerardo A.C. , Baisie, Michel , Balee, William , Balinga, Michael , Banin, Lindsay F. , Banki, Olaf , Baraloto, Christopher , Barroso, Jorcely , Bastin, Jean Francois , Beeckman, Hans , Begne, Serge , Bengone, Natacha Nssi , Berry, Nicholas , Betian, Wemo , Bezard, Vincent , Blanc, Lilian , Boeckx, Pascal , Bonal, Damien , Bongers, Frans , Brearley, Francis Q. , Brienen, Roel , Brown, Foster , Nasaradin, Musalmah Bt , Burban, Benoit , Burslem, David F.R.P. , Camargo, Plinio , Camargo, Jose Luis , Castro, Wendeson , Ceron, Carlos , Moscoso, Victor Chama , Chapman, Colin , Chave, Jerome , Chezeaux, Eric , Collins, Murray , Comiskey, James , Coomes, David , Valverde, Fernando Cornejo , Costa, Flavia R.C. , Cuni-Sanchez, Aida , da Costa, Lola , Daly, Douglas C. , Dančák, Martin , Daniels, Armandu , Dargie, Greta , Davies, Stuart , De Canniere, Charles , de Haulleville, Thales , del Aguila Pasquel, Jhon , Derroire, Geraldine , Dexter, Kyle G. , Di Fiore, Anthony , Djuikouo, Marie Noel K. , Doucet, Jean Louis , Droissart, Vincent , Eilu, Gerald , Emillio, Thaise , Engel, Julien , Enock, Bocko Yannick , Ondo, Fidele Evouna , Ewango, Corneille , Fauset, Sophie , Feldpausch, Ted R. , Fitriadi, Muhammad , Llampazo, Gerardo Flores , Foli, Ernest G. , Fredriksson, Gabriella , Galbraith, David R. , Gilpin, Martin , Gloor, Emanuel , Gonmadje, Christelle , Villaroel, Rene Guillen , Hall, Jefferson , Hamer, Keith C. , Hamilton, Alan , Hardy, Olivier , Hart, Terese , Hédl, Radim , Herrera, Rafael , Higuchi, Niro , Hladik, Claude Marcel , Coronado, Eurídice Honorio , Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, Isau , Huasco, Walter Huaraca , Hubau, Wannes , Idhamsyah, Muhammad , Ismail, Sascha A. , Jeffery, Kath , Jimenez, Eliana , Jucker, Tommaso , Kearsley, Elizabeth , Kho, Lip Khoon , Killeen, Timothy , Kitayama, Kanehiro , Laurance, William , Laurance, Susan , Leal, Miguel , Lewis, Simon L. , Lhota, Stanislav , Lindsell, Jeremy , Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela , Lovett, Jon , Lowe, Richard , Magnusson, William E. , Makana, Jean Remy , Malhi, Yadvinder , Marimon, Beatriz , Junior, Ben Hur Marimon , Marshall, Andrew , Maycock, Colin , Mbayu, Faustin , Mendoza, Casimiro , Polo, Irina Mendoza , Metali, Faizah , Mihindou, Vianet , Monteagudo-Mendoza, Abel , Moore, Sam , Mucunguzi, Patrick , Mukinzi, Jacques , Munishi, Pantaleo , Nagy, Laszlo , Naisso, Petrus , Neill, David , Lima, Adriano Nogueira , Vargas, Percy Nunez , Ojo, Lucas , Palacios, Walter , Camacho, Nadir Pallqui , Gutierrez, Alexander Parada , Peacock, Julie , Peh, Kelvin S.H. , Cruz, Antonio Pena , Pendry, Colin , Pennington, Toby , Penuela-Mora, Maria Cristina , Petronelli, Pascal , Phillips, Oliver L. , Pickavance, Georgia , Pipoly, G.J. , Pitman, Nigel , Poulsen, Axel Dalberg , Prance, Ghillean T. , Prieto, Adriana , Primack, Richard B. , Qie, Lan , Queenborough, Simon A. , Sunderland, Terry , Quesada, Carlos , Arevalo, Freddy Ramirez , Ramirez-Angulo, Hirma , Reitsma, Jan , Réjou-Méchain, Maxime , Roopsind, Anand , Rovero, Francesco , Rutishauser, Ervan , Salim, Kamariah Abu , Salomao, Rafael , Samsoedin, Ismayadi , Saparudin, Muhd Shahruney , Schietti, Juliana , Segovia, Ricardo A. , Serrano, Julio , Serudia, Rafizah , Sheil, Douglas , Silva, Natalino , Espejo, Javier Silva , Silveira, Marcos , Simo-Droissart, Murielle , Singh, James , Sonké, Bonaventure , Lopes de Sousa, Thaise Emilio , Stropp, Juliana , Sukri, Rahayu , Svátek, Martin , Swaine, Michael , Taedoumg, Hermann , Talbot, Joey , Tan, Sylvester , Taplin, James , Taylor, David , ter Steege, Hans , Terborgh, John , Torres-Lezama, Armando , Mukendi, John Tshibamba , Tuagben, Darlington , van de Meer, Peter , van der Heijden, Geertje , van der Hout, Peter , van Nieuwstadt, Mark , van Ulft, Bert , Martinez, Rodolfo Vasquez , Vernimmen, Ronald , Vinceti, Barbara , Vieira, Simone , Vieira, Ima Celia Guimaries , Torre, Emilio Vilanova , Vleminckx, Jason , White, Lee , Willcock, Simon , Williams, Mathew , Woods, John T. , Yao, Tze Leong , Yassir, Ishak , Zagt, Roderick , Zemagho, Lise Scientific Reports (2025), Volume: 15 - ISSN 2045-2322 -
Diversity of frontier processes in Amazonian subnational jurisdictions : Frontier metrics reveal major patterns of human–nature interactions
Briceño, Guido , Betbeder, Julie , Bégué, Agnès , Cornu, Guillaume , Katz-Asprilla, David , Piketty, Marie Gabrielle , Clech, Solen Le , Silgueiro, Vinicius , Dessard, Hélène , Blanc, Lilian Ecological Indicators (2025), Volume: 171 - ISSN 1470-160X -
The impact of visual fidelity on screen-based virtual reality food choices : A randomized pilot study
Braga, Bianca Curi , Sajjadi, Pejman , Bagher, Mahda , Klippel, Alexander , Menold, Jessica , Masterson, Travis PLoS ONE (2025), Volume: 20 - ISSN 1932-6203