Due Diligence Dashboard by Wageningen Food Views

If you work in the agri-food industry, you often wonder: what if? What if you’re importing palm oil from a particular region – are there human rights and environmental risks to consider? But answering that question is both costly and time-consuming. That’s why we have come up with a solution providing instant, robust, and reliable sector-specific risk scores: our Due Diligence Dashboard by Wageningen Food Views.

The Due Diligence Dashboard locates and visualises risks of 8 human rights and 7 environmental themes in hundreds agri commodity-country combinations at subnational level. These themes are aligned with the OECD guidelines, UNGPs, and EU legislation, e.g. CSDDD.

The risk scores are quantified on a scale from 0 to 5, allowing you to prioritise follow-up steps. With clear, detailed, and evidence-based map overviews, you can make informed decisions for due diligence and sustainability improvement, in just a few clicks.  

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