WUR welcomes ‘National action plan on zoonoses’
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) welcomes the National action plan on zoonoses as it was published today by the Dutch ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Safety. “The plan acknowledges ongoing research and sets new actions and goals,” concludes Joukje Siebenga, programme manager of ERRAZE@WUR.
The National action plan on zoonoses was published by the ministries of Agriculture, Nature and Food Safety (LNV) and Public Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS). The plans aims to give direction and strengthen the national zoonoses policy and the research agenda for the years ahead. “We trust this action plan will lead to an One Health approach on zoonoses and infectious diseases,” states Siebenga.
One Health
The actions in the plan aim to minimize the risk of emergence and spread of zoonoses. Furthermore, these actions should contribute to the preparedness for future outbreaks of zoonoses in the Netherlands. “Both these topics are also at the centre of attention within our research and investment program ERRAZE@WUR.”
According to the ERRAZE@WUR program manager the national action plan is an important step towards the realization of a national and international One Health approach. “We are pleased with the focus on preventive measures in the plan. However, we do see challenges in operationalising the One Health approach across all fields that shape zoonosis risks. This includes the envisioned restructuring of our national landscape, and the international so-called wicked problems such as climate change and feeding the growing human population. Here, the Netherlands - as a knowledge and trade intensive country - has a responsibility to set the standard”, says Siebenga.
ERRAZE@WUR (Early Recognition and Rapid Action in Zoonotic Emergencies) is a WUR-wide research and investment framework. In the ERRAZE@WUR research and investment framework, researchers from various disciplines work together to help build the scientific foundation needed to prevent future pandemics and to limit their impact.