
Bird flu at poultry farms, updates 2024/2025

March 19, 2025

On this page, Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) presents an overview of highly pathogenic bird flu infections on Dutch poultry farms from October 2022 up and including September 2023. To prevent the virus from spreading, the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has culled the animals at these farms.

Bird flu infections from October 

Below are infections as of October 2023 with the hazardous variant of bird flu; highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). The first table contains Dutch commercial poultry farms and the second other locations with 50 or more birds.

Highly pathogenic bird flu at commercial poultry farms

Location Type of farm Number of animals Type Date
Putten Turkeys 27,000 H5N1 19-03-2025
Idsegahuizum Laying hens 37,000 H5N1 18-02-2025
Idsegahuizum Laying hens 25,000 H5N1 30-01-2025
Putten Laying hens 23,000 H5N1 18-11-2024
Blija Broilers 63,000 H5N1 08-12-2024

Highly pathogenic bird flu at larger non-commercial farms

Location Type of farm Number of animals Type Date

Housing obligation

The Dutch government decided on 20 November 2024 to impose a nationwide housing obligation. This decision was taken following a new risk assessment by the Expert Group on Animal Diseases, which assessed the risk of bird flu outbreaks to be moderate to high. Our researchers form a part of this Expert Group.

News from last season: