
Head of the department Epidemiology, Bioinformatics and Animal Studies

July 3, 2024
Location Lelystad
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Your job

Are you looking for a job where you can continue to grow as a supervisor? A job where you help prevent the spread of animal diseases and promote good animal health. At Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR), we are looking for someone to head up our Epidemiology, Bioinformatics and Animal Studies Department for our premises in Lelystad! Will you be our new colleague?

What will you do?
As Head of Department;

  • You will lead a team of knowledgeable and motivated researchers and analysts who contribute to multidisciplinary research and consulting within the expert areas of veterinary epidemiology, bioinformatics and animal studies;
  • You will work with an integrated approach, not only managing people but also bringing them together. You will lead around 40-45 passionate researchers and analysts and facilitate their professional and personal growth;
  • You will be a member of WBVR’s Management Team and report directly to the Business Unit Manager;
  • You will be responsible for the vision within the department’s annual plan, the academic quality of the department’s research, the scheduling and deployment of staff, and the development and maintenance of expertise for promising product-market combinations;
  • You will be responsible for the budget and also you will ensure adequate links with other departments within Wageningen University & Research.

Your qualities

You have:

  • Demonstrable experience in integrated leadership and excellent management skills;
  • Entrepreneurship and the ability to bridge the divide between departments and areas of expertise;
  • At least a university degree in life sciences or veterinary medicine, with a minimum of 5 years’ experience in academia;
  • Good analytical skills and at least 5 years of managerial experience in a research environment;
  • Excellent social and communication skills; you have the ability to strongly motivate the department’s employees, to encourage teamwork within the department and to initiate fresh collaboration internally and externally;
  • Vision, and a decisive and proactive attitude.
People are increasingly communicating in English in our international working environment. This position requires�language level�C1. If you have not yet reached this level, we will obviously help you: you can turn to our language centre�Wageningen in’to Languages for training. 

As you can see, there are plenty of challenges for you to take on. These challenges can also be viewed as development opportunities. So, if you do not have the track record required for the vacancy just yet but your work experience is solid, we would like to invite you to apply anyway.

This is where you will work 
In our Department of Epidemiology, Bioinformatics and Animal Studies, our work is divided into projects. In the epidemiology group, we focus on creating surveillance systems for pathogens that are common and notifiable. We examine the risks of infection and transmission, how common diseases are and how to control them. We create and analyse models that show how diseases spread. We also perform qualitative and quantitative analyses of (import) risks and investigate disease outbreaks.

In addition, we conduct both qualitative and quantitative risk analyses of (import) risks and investigate disease outbreaks. The bioinformatics group is responsible for processing and analyzing large amounts of data derived from, for example, whole genome sequencing and DNA or protein arrays. In this multidisciplinary field, knowledge of bioinformatics, omics, and evolutionary microbiology is utilized to better understand animal diseases and health. The animal study group focuses on developing animal models and conducting (contracted) vaccine research in clinical or (pre)clinical animal studies, as well as setting up and testing alternatives to animal testing. In this group, knowledge about pathogens is combined with veterinary, pathological, and immunological expertise, and part of the work is conducted in accordance with Veterinary Good Clinical Practice (VICH GCP).

Much of our work consists of research assignments for both governments and veterinary and biomedical companies.

We offer you

Wageningen University & Research offers excellent terms of employment. A few highlights from our Collective Labour Agreement include:

  • working hours that can be discussed and arranged so that they allow for the best possible work-life balance;
  • the option to accrue additional compensation hours by working more;
  • sabbatical leave, study leave, and partially paid parental leave;
  • a fixed December bonus of 8,3%;
  • excellent pension scheme.
In addition to these first-rate employee benefits, you will of course receive a good salary. We offer, depending on your experience, a competitive gross salary of between €4862,- and €8091,- for a full-time working week of 36 hours, in accordance with the CLA Wageningen Research (scale 13-14). Additionally, a contract for 32 hours a week can be discussed.You will initially receive a one-year contract, which will be extended in case of mutual enthusiasm.                                                                                                   

Wageningen University & Research encourages internal advancement opportunities and mobility with an internal recruitment policy. There are plenty of options for personal initiative in a learning environment, and we provide excellent training opportunities. We are offering a multi-faceted position in an international environment with a pleasant and open working atmosphere.

Coming from abroad
Wageningen University & Research is the university and research centre for life science
Our team of advisors on Dutch immigration procedures will help you with the visa application procedures for yourself and, if applicable, for your family.

Feeling welcome also has everything to do with being well informed. Wageningen University & Research's International Community page contains practical information about what we can do to support international employees and students coming to Wageningen. Furthermore, we can assist you with any additional advice and information about for example helping your partner to find a job, housing, or schooling. Finally, certain categories of international staff may be eligible for a tax exemption on a part of their salary during the first five years in the Netherlands.

Do you want more information?

Do you want more information?
For more information about this position, please contact  Annemarie Rebel, Business Unit Manager WBVR, phone: 0031 320-238800 of per e-mail:  

For more information about the procedure, please contact Edgar Tijhuis, corporate recruiter, by e-mail; 

Do you want to apply?
You can apply directly using the apply button on the vacancy page on our website which will allow us to process your personal information with your approval.
This vacancy will be listed up to and including the 12th of August 2024. We do assess applications on a continuous basis and in case we see a match, we will invite you for an interview before the deadline. It thus helps to respond early.

As part of our selection process, an assessment may be incorporated within the procedure. A pre-employment screening is part of the selection procedure. Upon commencing employment, we will ask for a Certificate of Good Conduct

Equal opportunities
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) employs a large number of people with very different backgrounds and qualities, who inspire and motivate each other. We want every talent to feel at home in our organisation and be offered the same career opportunities. We therefore especially welcome applications from people who are underrepresented at WUR. A good example of how WUR deals with inclusiveness can be read on the page working at WUR with a functional impairment.

We are

Wageningen Bioveterinary
Research Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) is a leading research institute in the field of animal health and public health. Its unique selling point lies in its interdisciplinary approach to research and its focus on innovative solutions to complex problems in these fields. WBVR has a unique position in the Netherlands, as it is the only research institute allowed to work with most animal viruses and bacteria up to level vBSL4 (vDM4), such as foot-and-mouth disease and African swine fever in laboratories and animal facilities, where large livestock (including cattle) and smaller rodents can be housed. There are also facilities for research and animal testing for BLS3 pathogens such as avian flu and Coxiella, having several experts in specific pathogens, host responses, bioinformatics, pathology, epidemiology and diagnostics enables WBVR to work towards the mission and vision of WBVR. WBVR contributes to a society in which animals and humans live healthy lives by conducting scientific research to prevent the spread of animal diseases and promote health. WBVR adds value to agriculture and life sciences value chains by conducting contract research, R&D and statutory research tasks. We represent the interests of the Dutch agri-food sector, (veterinary) public health and the life sciences & health sector. As a contract research organisation, we focus on market needs in the animal and human life sciences sectors.

Wageningen University & Research
The mission of Wageningen University & Research is “To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life”. Under the banner Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen University and the specialised research institutes of the Wageningen Research Foundation have joined forces in contributing to finding solutions to important questions in the domain of healthy food and living environment. With its roughly 30 branches, 7,600 employees (6,700 fte) and 13,100 students and over 150,000 participants to WUR’s Life Long Learning, Wageningen University & Research is one of the leading organisations in its domain. The unique Wageningen approach lies in its integrated approach to issues and the collaboration between different disciplines.
Read the 5 reasons why your future colleagues enjoy working at WUR and watch this video to get an idea of our green campus!
We will recruit for the vacancy ourselves, so no employment agencies please. However, sharing in your network is appreciated.
