News & Impact
Latest news from our Department
26 January 2023
Annemarie Wagemakers appointed personal professor Participatory Community Health Promotion
- The Executive Board has appointed Annemarie Wagemakers as personal professor Participatory Community Health Promotion in the Health and Society Group,... -
18 October 2022
WUR researchers about alarming WWF report: "We must act now"
- The Living Planet Report published by WWF on 13 October shows well-documented evidence that humanity has far exceeded our planet's safe limits. The... -
18 May 2022
Inauguration Emely de Vet: “To find out what you do not know, you have to be willing to learn from each other”
- The coronavirus measures threw a spanner in the works twice, but Emely de Vet will finally deliver her inaugural lecture on 19 May. As professor of... -
16 May 2022
How hybrid plant varieties could address the challenges of food security and climate change
- Hybrid agricultural and horticultural crops can play an important role in supporting global food security. They produce higher yields and are often... -
28 February 2022
IPCC-rapport: klimaatverandering is een bedreiging voor onze planeet, snelle actie is nodig
- Niets doen is geen optie meer, want klimaatverandering verstoort nu al de kwetsbare natuur en het leven van mensen. Dit staat in het vandaag... -
28 January 2022
Scientists say no to Solar Geoengineering
- More than 60 senior climate scientists and governance scholars from around the world have launched a global initiative calling for an International... -
05 November 2021
Understanding markets fosters environmental stewardship
- Markets drive users of shared natural resources, like grazing lands and fresh water reserves, to overexploitation, that is what is commonly believed.... -
04 November 2021
Monitoring van Nederlandse voedselomgeving is structureel nodig
- Het meeste voedselaanbod en de promoties in supermarkten en horecaketens vallen niet in de Schijf van Vijf en stimuleren geen gezonde voedselkeuzes.... -
15 October 2024
Europeans fed up with mass tourism
- A growing number of Europeans are fed up with mass tourism. Last summer, Spain hosted a record of nearly 22 million holidaymakers. This may be good...