Common Agricultural Policy
The focus in this research theme (the Common Agricultural Policy) is assessing the impact of different policy options that follow from EU-proposals. Based on this assessment, the research aims to help in determining which option for the Netherlands, given the potentially different interests of the agricultural sector (and of subsectors within agriculture) and society in general (nature, landscape, environment), is the best.
The research also contributes to the implementation of the EU policies, by giving input on how to transpose the EU-policy into national laws and regulations. The results of the research in this theme mostly fit directly into the policy cycle.
Risicobeheerinstrumenten in het GLB : bouwstenen voor de Nederlandse positie
Wageningen: Wageningen Economic Research (Wageningen Wageningen Economic Research nota 2018-097) -
Positie primaire producent in de keten : samenwerking en prijsvorming
Wageningen: Wageningen Economic Research (Wageningen Economic Research rapport 2018-027) - ISBN: 9789463437929