ir. P (Petra) Berkhout
Expert Dutch agricultureMrs. Petra Berkhout is an agricultural economist with a professional experience of 30 years, mainly in the area of the CAP. Until 2000 she worked for the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, first in the area of the agricultural market policy, later in the area of EU rural and structural policies for the agricultural sector, including state aid procedures. She was spokesman for the Netherlands in the Committee on Structural Policies and Rural development (“STAR”-committee) and working groups on rural development (“Agenda 2000”) and co-author of the first Dutch RDP.
In 2000 she switched to research and participated among other things in SAPARD projects in Lithuania and Poland. She has ample experience in impact assessments in the area of the first pillar of the CAP and in evaluation studies, especially of rural development programmes. She was lately involved in the EC commissioned project to analyse the administrative burden of the CAP.
She was editor of the Dutch annual agricultural report for more than 10 years (2003-2018), commissioned by the ministry of Agriculture.
For three years (2014-2017) she was co-manager of the EU funded project FOODSECURE, an interdisciplinary research project to explore the future of food and nutrition security with 16 project partners and a lead time of 5 years (2012-2017) (www.foodsecure.eu).