
Bouwstenen voor een Strategisch Plan N2000

Natura 2000 is the most important European law on nature protection, aiming at stopping the decline in biodiversity and restoration of nature and ecosystem functions. Both the Birds Directive and Habitats Directive aim at a favourable conservation status of protected habitat types and species. In this project it is worked out what this goal means for the Netherlands, and how these goals may be achieved.

In this project factsheets will be developed in which for Natura 2000 habitat types and species an advice is given on (i) the definition of favourable conservation status, (ii) necessarily restorations measures, (iii) regions in which these measurements should be carried out, and (iv) priority for these restoration measures. These factsheets will be used by the Ministry to develop a Strategic Plan Natura 2000 in which is indicated how and to what level the goals of the Birds and Habitats Directive can be achieved in an efficient way.

The project is carried out for habitats and species of the Habitats Directive, while SOVON Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology carries out a similar project for protected bird species.
