
Toelichting op de bouwstenen voor habitattypen en HR-soorten : Ten behoeve van een actualisatie van het Natura 2000-doelensysteem

Janssen, J.A.M.; Bijlsma, R.J.; Schmidt, A.M.


This report describes the approach that was used for construction of so-called “building blocks” for habitat types and species of the Habitats Directive. These “building blocks” are scientific documents that are used by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality for an update of the Natura 2000 goals. In these documents three advices are given, based on up-to-date information. The first advice is on national Natura 2000 goals for the years 2030 and 2050, based on (i) quantification of the favourable conservation status of habitats and species and (ii) an assessment of the ecological and technological feasibility of bridging the gap between the current status and the favourable conservation status. In a second advice these national goals are divided over 14 regions (12 provinces, saline large water bodies and freshwater large water bodies). The third advice indicates priorities for the goals, based on a sense of urgency and the international value of species and habitat types. Key words