Student testimonial

Janne van ’t Klooster: The Laboratory of Nematology is a very welcoming and close-knit community

In May 2024, I finished with six very enjoyable months of doing my Masters’ thesis at the Laboratory of Nematology. I have a background in Plant Sciences and was eager to learn more about host-parasite interactions. Because I had also heard good stories about Nematology from fellow students, the choice to perform my thesis here was easily made. I studied the genetic variability of potato cyst nematodes in the Netherlands and explored the nematodes present in soil samples from Dutch potato fields.

Janne van 't Klooster
The Laboratory of Nematology is a very welcoming and close-knit community.
Janne van 't Klooster

My supervisors enabled me to perform a variety of activities. These were set in the field, greenhouse, lab and in data analysis. In the lab, I was able to use the newest sequencing equipment. Besides, my supervisor taught me how to use the data analysis program R in practice, even though I barely worked with it before. Next to gaining these useful skills, I have also learned how to plan and perform experiments on my own. This thesis has helped me to decide what future projects I would like to get into, and to gain the right background experience and knowledge to do it.

Not only my supervisors were always very willing to help, I have also received a lot of help and inputs from other staff members and students. This really motivated me to make the best out of my thesis period. The Laboratory of Nematology is a very welcoming and close-knit community. Because of this, it was very easy to get to know everyone and engage in scientific discussions. I am very grateful to have worked with this vibrant group!