Biochemical and molecular aspects of the effect of postharvest LED radiation on the cell wall metabolism of tomato

Changes in fruit texture include cell wall and cuticle metabolism and cell turgor pressure. We exposed 315 ripe green tomatoes to continuous treatments of red, blue, and white LED light (dark storage as control). We evaluate tomato quality and texture parameters, such as weight loss, firmness index, rigidity, hardness, fruit diameter, visual appearance, pericarp thickness, ethylene, TSS, acidity, and pH. All light treatments softened tomatoes earlier than controls. However, interestingly, the blue light arrested the firmness index and stiffness loss, while the red and white light treatments increased the tomato hardness. Furthermore, weight loss measurements do not fully explain these results. A detailed analysis at the micro level will allow us to better characterize the effect of LED lights on tomato texture. Measurements: isolation and quantification of cell wall, total activity and expression of genes involved in cell wall and cuticle metabolism (PME, PG, B-Gal, a-Ara, B-Xyl, B-Xyl).

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