Open source greenhouse and crop modelling for an open and collaborative research culture

Greenhouse and crop models are an important tool in the research aimed at improving greenhouse cropping systems. Such models can be used, for example, to evaluate how changes in the greenhouse environment influence the crop, and which changes are most important for designing energy-efficient greenhouse systems. While many models have been developed over the years, very few are publicly accessible as open source models. One exception is the GreenLight model, which has recently been developed and is currently being reprogrammed in the Python language. However, it is currently unknown how GreenLight performs in comparison with the most standard greenhouse-crop model, the closed-source Kaspro-Intkam. During this thesis you will perform model evaluation and compare the behaviour of GreenLight with Kaspro-Intkam. Some basic knowledge in programming (MATLAB, Python) is useful, but this can also be developed during the thesis work. The results of the project will help GreenLight become more accepted in the research community, which will help strengthen a research culture that is more collaborative, effective, transparent, and open: both for other researchers and to the general public.

Used skills

  • Affinity with programming (MATLAB, Phyton)

Interested in doing a BSc or MSc thesis at HPP? Please contact Katharina Hanika or Kim Vanderwolk via the HPP office (