Calibration and validation of photosynthesis and growth model in the context of Functional-Structural Plant Modelling of dwarf tomatoes in vertical farming.

This project forms a component of a broader initiative aimed at identifying the architectural ideotypes of dwarf tomato plants, which enhance carbon assimilation in vertical farming environments. The core of this project involves adapting and calibrating an existing Functional-Structural Plant Model (FSPM) to accurately simulate the growth of dwarf tomatoes within a vertical farm setting. The model is required to simulate both photosynthesis and biomass accumulation with high accuracy. To achieve this, an experiment will be conducted to quantify the photosynthetic rate and biomass accumulation throughout the growth period. Additionally, leaf optical properties will be assessed using a spectroradiometer, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) levels will be measured within the plant canopies.

Objective: The main goal is to finely calibrate and validate the photosynthesis and growth simulations of the FSPM, specifically tailored for dwarf tomato plants cultivated in a vertical farming system.

Specific Tasks:

Oversee and manage the experiment involving dwarf tomato plants in a vertical farm setup.
Conduct measurements of photosynthesis rates and biomass accumulation.
Calibrate and validate the FSPM model to ensure its precision and reliability.

Used skills

  • Plant growth and development measurements
  • Licor measurements
  • Data analysis
  • Taking care of plants in a vertical farm system
  • Performing climate chambers experiments
  • Programming

Interested in doing a BSc or MSc thesis at HPP? Please contact Katharina Hanika or Kim Vanderwolk via the HPP office (