Pollution due to livestock production
Model characteristics
- Model name: MARINA-Multi
- Version: Global-2.0 (published as MARINA-Global-L in Li et al., 2022)
- Application: Global
- Scales: sub-basins and annual
- Period: 2010-2100
- Pollutants: nitrogen, phosphorus,
- Sources: diffuse sources (manure application on land) and point sources (direct discharges of manure to rivers) from livestock production
- Main inputs: livestock numbers, manure excretion rates, land use, crop production, hydrology
- Main outputs: inputs of multiple pollutants to rivers by source and sub-basin
Modelling approach
Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the model application to the world (Li et al., 2022)
Model outputs (example)
Figure 2: River pollution with three pollutants (nitrogen, phosphorus and Cryptosporidium) from livestock production (Li et al., 2022)