dr. M (Maryna) Strokal MSc
Associate professorMaryna Strokal is an associate professor at the Earth Systems and Global Change group of Wageningen University & Research. She leads the MARINA team that develops innovative water quality modeling tools to address scientific and societal challenges. Her research ambitions are to contribute to solving multi-pollutant problems to ensure clean water for society and nature. Maryna addresses knowledge gaps that are related to interactions in the system, causes of multiple pollutants in water, and the exploration of optimal solutions to reduce future water pollution. For this, she takes a multi-pollutant perspective. She leads a team of Master students and PhD candidates who are developing the family of the MARINA models (Models to Assess River Inputs of pollutaNts to seAs) for global and national analyses. Models are used to explore future trends in water pollution and options to reduce this pollution. Maryna is part of several international initiatives and Horizon projects. She had a membership of Wageningen Young Academy. Maryna's research is interdisciplinary and combines insights of social and natural sciences.