Interactive Community-based environmental monitoring
Community-based monitoring has demonstrated potential in the collection and interpretation of environmental monitoring data. However effective implementation of community-based environmental monitoring systems is currently lacking due to two reasons: 1) the role of communities in national monitoring system is unclear and 2) tools that can support local communities to explore opportunities and facilitate environmental monitoring are still scarce.
The main goal of research within the Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing, therefore, is to develop an approach that combines emerging technologies and community-based observations for environmental monitoring and information systems.The main focus of this research theme are:
- To explore and implement highly innovative monitoring technologies for community-based environmental monitoring, data collection, interpretation and information delivery systems.
- To integrate community based monitored data with other existing data such as remote sensing time series and expert field measurements for effective and interactive stake holder participation and implementations on the local and the regional/provincial level.
- To promote and assess the role and pathways for capacity development and multi-level engagement of local communities in environmental monitoring
- Interactive community-based forest monitoring system using Google technologies
- Biodiversity under Climate Change: Community-Based Conservation, Management and Development Concepts for the Wild Coffee Forests
- A Community-based interactive monitoring system for REDD+ implementation in Peru
- GAP monitor: crowd sourcing to support yield gap analysis
Capactity building activities
Currently the following training and capacity development have been provided with Silva carbon, USGS
- Community-Based Forest Monitoring Peru / February 6-12, 2016
- South/South Training in Community-Based Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV), Guyana, August 22-29,2014
- Second Regional Workshop on Forest Monitoring Kathmandu, Nepal, June 23 - 28, 2014
- Stakeholder analysis and Capacity building training at Chirik Sacha Local community, Peru, February 2-8, 2014
- Eight Regional Workshop on Forest Monitoring, Tena, Ecuador, July 16 - 19, 2013