Publications DendroLab 2006
Peer reviewed publications
- Kooistra, M.J.; Kooistra, L.I.; Rijn, P. van; Sass, U.G.W. (2006) Woodlands of the past : The excavation of wetland woods at Zwolle-Stadshagen (the Netherlands): Reconstruction of the wetland wood in its environmental context. Geologie en Mijnbouw 85 (1). - p. 37 - 60.
- Koval, I.M.; Sass, U.G.W.; Voloshynova, N.A.; Prysyazhnyuk, A.A. (2006) Influence of climate of oak tree ring formation in Polissya, Ukraine, very moist conditions. In: Forestry & Forest Melioration 2006.
- Sass, U.G.W.; Hanraets, E. (2006) Woodlands of the past : The excavation of wetland woods at Zwolle-Stadshagen (the Netherlands): Growth pattern and population dynamics of oak and ash. Geologie en Mijnbouw 85 (1). - p. 61 - 71.
Publications aimed at a professional audience
- Copini, P.; Buiteveld, J.; Sass, U.G.W.; Ouden, J. den (2006) Eikenclusters op de Veluwe. Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap 3 (9). - p. 24 - 27.