Wood Science and Wood Technology
- Agriculture, food and forestry pages of Intute
- Prospect. The Wood Database
- Houtwereld, links (in Dutch)
Research Institutes
- European Forest Institute (EFI)
- FAO, Forestry
- USDA, Forest Products Laboratory
- IUFRO, Devision Forest Products
- SHR Hout Research
- Stichting Probos
- Houtwereld (only in Dutch)
- International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
- International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
- FAO, Forestry
- Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST)
- International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS)
- FAO, Forestry education institutions database
- SWST, Directory of schools in the USA
- Wood Biology Research team, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU)
- Timber Structures and Wood Technolgy, TU Delft
- Guide to courses in Europe
- van Hall-Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences-WUR
contact Hans Polman
- Houttechnologie I: materiaalkarakteristieken (2000). Lab. voor houttechnologie, Universiteit Gent; content
- Houttechnologie II: Transformatieprocessen en eindprodukten(2000). Lab. voor houttechnologie, Universiteit Gent; content
Wood Science and Technology
- Bodig, J. and Jayne, B.A. (1982). Mechanics of Wood and Wood Composites. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, London, Melbourne.D
- Desch, H.E. and Dinwoodie , J.M. (1996) Timber - Structure, Properties, Conversion and Use. 7th edn, Macmillan, Basingstoke, England.
- Dinwoodie, J.M. (2000) . Timber: Its nature and behaviour. 2th edn, E & FN Spon, London
- Fengel, D. and Wegener, G. (1984). Wood: Chemistry, Ultrastructure, Reactions. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin
- Haygreen, J.G. and Bowyer, J.L. (1989). Forest Products and Wood Science. Iowa State Univ. Press
- Kollmann , F.F.P. and Côté, W.A. Jr. (1968) Principles of Wood Science and Technology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York
- Panshin, A.J. and de Zeeuw, C. (1980) Texbook of Wood Technology, 4th ed. , McGraw-Hill, New York.
- Timell, T.E. Springer Series in Wood Science. Books on Wood Anatomy, Transport Processes, Growth Stresses, Wood-Water Relations, Biomass, Natural Products, Fibers a.o.
- Tsoumis, G. (1991). Science and Technology of Wood: Structure, Properties, Utilization. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
- Walker, J.C.F. et al (1993). Primary Wood Processing: Principles and Practice. Chapman & Hall, London.
- Zobel , B.J. and van Buijtenen, J.P. (1989). Wood Variation. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York.
Wood Chemistry
- Fengel, D. and Wegener, G (1984). Wood: Chemistry, Ultrastructure, Reactions. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.
- Lin, S.Y. and Dence, W.(Eds) (1992) .Methods in Lignin Chemistry Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York.
- Rowell, R. (1984). The Chemistry of Solid Wood. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.
Wood Decay/ Wood Preservation
- Blanchette,R.A. and Biggs, A.R. (Eds) (1992) Defence Mechanisms of Woody Plants Against Fungi. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York.
- Eaton, R.A. and Hale, M.D.C. (1993). Wood: Decay, Pests and Protection. Chapman & Hall, London.
- Richardson, B.A. (1993) Wood Preservation. Chapman & Hall, London.
- Zabel, A. and Morell, J.J. (1992). Wood Microbiology: Decay and its Prevention. Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, US.
Pulp/Paper Making
- Biermann, C.J. (1993) . Essentials of Pulping and Papermaking. Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, US.
- Snook, G.A. (1992). Handbook for Pulp and Paper Technologists. Angus Wilde Publ. Vancouver.
Tree Growth/Wood Formation/Wood Quality
- Grammel, R. (1989). Forstbenutzung. Technologie, Verwertung und Verwendung des Holzes.Verlag Paul Parey Hamburg und Berlin.
- Higuchi, T (1997). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Wood. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York
- Haygreen, J.G. and Bowyer, J.L. (1996). Forest Products and Wood Science. An Introduction. Iowa State Univ. Press
- Kellomäki, S. (1998) .Forest Resources and Sustainable Management. Fapet Oy , Finland
- Kozlowski, T.T. (1962). Tree Growth. The Ronald Press Company New York
- Mattheck, C. (1991). Trees. The Mechanical Design. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York. London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest.
- Panshin, A.J. and de Zeeuw, C. (1980) Texbook of Wood Technology, 4th ed. , McGraw-Hill, New York
- Savil, P., Evans, J, Auclair, D and Falck, J. (1997). Plantation Silviculture in Europe. Oxford University Press Oxford New York Tokyo
- Wagenführ, R. (2000) Holzatlas. Fachbuchverlag Leipzig
- Zimmermann, M.H. The Formation of Wood in Forest Trees. Academic Press New York London.
- Zimmermann, M.H. and Brown ,C.L. (1977) Trees. Structure and Function .Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin
- Zobel , B.J. and van Buijtenen, J.P. (1989). Wood Variation. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York
Books of reference
- DIN-Taschenbuch 31 (1992) Normen über Holz. Beuth Verlag GMBH . Berlin . Köln.
- NNI (Nederlands Normalisatie-Instituut). NEN normen (search on keywords)
- ASTM paper standards (Tappi)
Timber species /properties and uses
- Comvalius, L.B. (2001) Surinamese Timber Species. Characteristics and Utilization. ISBN: 99914-681-0-2 Printed by : Djinipi N.V.
- Flora of the Guianas Newsletter 14, special workshop issue: 106. Welle, B.J.H. ter, M.J. Jansen-Jacobs and P.P. Haripersaud, 2000.
- Kollmann, Dr-Ing. Franz (1951). Technologie des Holzes und der Holzwerkstoffe. Erster Band. Anatomie und Pathologie, Chemie, Physik, Elastizitaet und Festigkeit. Springer-Verlag/Berlin.Goettingen.Heidelberg. J.F.Bergmann/Muenchen
- Prospect
- Rijsdijk, J.F. and Laming, P.B. (1994). Physical and Related Properties of 145 Timbers. Information for Practise.Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht/Boston/London
- Soerianegara I. and Lemmens R.H.M.J. 1993 Prosea .Plant Resources of South-East Asia 5. (1) Timber trees: Major commercial timbers .Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen
- Wiselius, S.I. (2001) Hout Vademecum . 8ste druk. Ten Hagen & Stam uitgevers, Den Haag.
- Arvores Brasileiras; Manual de identificação e cultivo de plantas arbóreas do Brasil, volume 1 e 2. Lorenzo, Harri, 2002.
- Inst. Plantarum de estudos da flora Ltda. Nova Odessa, Brazil. pp 368 + per volume.
- Flora da Reserva Ducke; Guia de identificação das plantas vasculares de uma floresta de terra-firme na Amazonia.