Possible topics for MSc or BSc theses Interested in doing a thesis/internship at EZO? Get in touch about theses at EZO Our current thesis topics Developing and characterizing bio-inspired arrays of suction cups Cuttlefish and squid are versatile predators capable of attaching to a variety of prey items within milliseconds. They do this by rapidly extending... How do bees visually control flight? Honey bee flight is a marvel of nature, combining agility, precision, and complex sensory processing to navigate the world. In our research on honey... Quantifying burial capacity of wild flatfish Burying is a typical withdrawal response exhibited by flatfish as a form of startle response due to a threatening stimulus such as a predator. For the... The planarian flatworm as a model organism for neuroscience and behavior Planarian flatworms are true masters of regeneration, which includes the ability to regrow an entire brain after head amputation. Escape maneuvers of flying insects Insects are highly-maneuverable flyers, which we all have experienced when trying to swat a fly or mosquito. To escaping a swatting hand, day-active... 12345Next Linkedin Whatsapp Twitter Email