Sensors for monitoring gastrointestinal health
This project aims to test and help improve existing capsule technologies that can be ingested to monitor digestive processes and intestinal health inside the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of animals.
Two technologies are tested in this project: sensing and sampling capsules. Sensing capsules measure temperature, pH, and chemical species and transmit the data while travelling through the GI tract. Sampling capsules collect samples of digesta at specified points throughout the GI tract. These samples are then analysed after the capsules pass through the GI tract. Scientifically, the data obtained is used to help further understand the digestion process, especially with respect to the microbiome. Practically, the capsules could be used to non-invasively monitor the intestinal health of animals.
Progress (September 2022)
A sensing capsule was tested in vivo with pigs. It managed to transmit data while traversing the GI tract, but there were issues with some of the sensors. Another set of trials will be conducted once the sensors are fixed and improved. New collaborations have been established with academic and industry partners, to provide more capsule technologies to test and develop. The researchers aim to hire an Engineering Doctorate researcher to continue this process.
In this project, the researchers established a collaboration with OnePlanet for the development and testing of their ingestible capsule. The capsules were tested during two sets of animal experiments with pigs to evaluate their efficacy with respect to measuring temperature, pH, and chemical species. The capsules were successful in taking such measurements and broadcasting the data while travelling through the gastrointestinal tract.
At the end of this NLAS-project, another collaboration was established with Sheffield University (in the UK) for investigating the physics of the transport of ingestible capsules through the digestive system, with a focus on the interactions between the capsules and tissues throughout the gastrointestinal tract. This collaboration, along with an existing collaboration with Human Nutrition and Health (within WUR), has continued beyond the NLAS programme.