Publications of the Animal Production Systems Group
Researchers of the Animal Production Systems group publish on a regular basis in scientific journals, professional journals, scientific and popular books, and proceedings.
Our publications
Adoption of exotic chicken breeds by rural poultry keepers in Ethiopia
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A-Animal Science (2014), Volume: 64, Issue: 4 - ISSN 0906-4702 - p. 210-216. -
A mechanistic model for electricity consumption on dairy farms: Definition, validation, and demonstration
Journal of Dairy Science (2014), Volume: 97, Issue: 8 - ISSN 0022-0302 - p. 4973-4984. -
The 'One cow per poor family' programme: Current and potential fodder availability within smallholder farming systems in southwest Rwanda
Agricultural Systems (2014), Volume: 131 - ISSN 0308-521X - p. 11-22. -
Methods for uncertainty propagation in life cycle assessment
Environmental Modelling & Software (2014), Volume: 62 - ISSN 1364-8152 - p. 316-325. -
Reducing the impact of irrigated crops on freshwater availability: the case of Brazilian yellow melons
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2014), Volume: 19, Issue: 2 - ISSN 0948-3349 - p. 437-448. -
What do calves choose to eat and how do preferences affect calf behaviour and welfare?
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2014), Volume: 161 - ISSN 0168-1591 - p. 7-19. -
Handling multi-functionality of livestock in a life cycle assessment: the case of smallholder dairying in Kenya
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (2014), Volume: 8 - ISSN 1877-3435 - p. 29-38. -
Utilization of roughages and concentrates relative to that of milk replacer increases strongly with age in veal calves
Journal of Dairy Science (2014), Volume: 97, Issue: 10 - ISSN 0022-0302 - p. 6475-6484. -
Assessing environmental consequences of using co-products in animal feed
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2014), Volume: 19, Issue: 1 - ISSN 0948-3349 - p. 79-88. -
Cost-effectiveness of feeding strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from dairy farming
Journal of Dairy Science (2014), Volume: 97, Issue: 4 - ISSN 0022-0302 - p. 2427-2439.