Publications of the Toxicology Group
Researchers at the Toxicology chair group publish regularly in scientific journals, professional journals, scientific and popular books and proceedings.
Our publications
Welke milieubedreigingen mogen we in de jaren '80 verwachten in de voeding
Tijdschrift voor sociale gezondheidszorg (1983), Volume: 17 - ISSN 0920-0517 - p. 596-598. -
Mutagencity and carcinogencity testing of airborne particulates
Mutation Research. Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (1983), Volume: 116 - ISSN 0027-5107 -
Mutagenic activity of airborne particulates at non-industrial locations
Mutation Research. Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (1983), Volume: 116 - ISSN 0027-5107 - p. 21-34. -
Ecotoxicology and environmental quality
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (1983), Volume: 3 - ISSN 0167-6369 - p. 227-228. -
Mutagenicity of extracts of some vergetables comonlyy consumed in the Netherlands
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (1983), Volume: 31 - ISSN 0021-8561 - p. 1020-1026. -
Accumulation of chlorobiphenyls in chicken fat and liver after feeding Aroclor 1254 directly or fat from swine fed Aroclor 1254
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (1983), Volume: 31 - ISSN 0021-8561 - p. 254-260. -
Mutagenicity testing of two tropical plant materials with pesticidal potential in Salm. typhimurium; Phytolacca dodecandra berries and oil from Azadirachta ind
Environmental mutagenesis (1983), Volume: 5 - ISSN 0192-2521 - p. 687-694. -
Observations on side-effects of endosulfan used to control tsetse in a settlement area in conn with a campaign against human sleeping sickness in Ivory-Coast
Tropical pest management (1983), Volume: 29 - ISSN 0143-6147 - p. 177-182. -
An ultrastructural study of chromate-induced hyperplasia in the gill of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerI)
Aquatic Toxicology (1983), Volume: 4 - ISSN 0166-445X - p. 175-179. -
Aquilide A, a new mutagenic compound isolated from bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn)
Carcinogenesis (1983), Volume: 4 - ISSN 0143-3334 - p. 1587-1590.