Back to profile Contact person for... - HWW (Wouter) Groenink Pages CGN maize collection CGN maize collection - WUR CGN maize collection The collection originated from the former Foundation for Agricultural Plant Breeding (SVP). The... CGN grain legumes collection The collection consists of nearly 1800 accessions of Pisum, Vicia and Lupinus. The material originated mainly from the former Foundation for... CGN flax collection CGN flax collection - WUR CGN flax collection The flax collection was established long before the Second World War by the Department of Plant Breeding... CGN forage crops collection CGN forage crops collection - WUR CGN forage crops collection The CGN forages collection consists of 11 grass species with almost 800 accessions and... CGN cereals collection The collection consists of Avena (oat), Hordeum (barley) and Triticum (wheat). The small grain cereal collection originated mostly from the former... 12Next