Projects - dr. T (Tomaso) Ceccarelli MSc
On going:
A system design of agro-met advisory generation, communication and feedback system for the provision of user specific Woreda level weather and climate advisory services for the smallholder farmers. Consultancy for the Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Expert. Started 2018.
Milk-Mapping. Mapping current and potentila milksheds in Ethiopia. With DairyBiss and Wageningen Livestock Research. Funding from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ethiopia (EKN). Expert. Started 2018.
BENEFIT-CASCAPE - Capacity building for scaling up of evidence-based best practices in agricultural production in Ethiopia. Reccomendation Mapping. Expert. Started 2018.
Earth observation technologies for well-informed decisions in transforming smallholder agriculture in West and Central Africa (EODM). Funded by IFAD and covering Mali, Senegal, Cameroun. Consortium headed by VITO, with GeoVille and Sensonomic. WP leader. Started 2016.
CommonSense. Improving smallholders food security in Ethiopia using satellite and other (geo) data. Project under the G4AW program funded by the NetherlandsSpace Office. Several Dutch and Ethioipian partners in a consortium led by Alterra. Project Leader. Started 2015.
Projects concluded :
2014-2017 SIGMA. Stimulating Innovation for Global Monitoring of Agriculture),, FP7 Research Programme.
2015-2016. JRC- IPTS Framework contract ‘‘SUPPORT TO THE AGRI-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS & MODELLING OF AGRICULTURE & DEVELOPMENT POLICIES FOR AFRICA (AREA)" - Responsible for the specific contract on: "Human Carrying Capacity of Sahel ecosystems Under a changing climate to 2050".
2014-2015. Nigeria Crop Monitor: establishing a road map for a crop statistics, monitoring and forecasting system for the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Nigeria (UNDP executed). Project Leader.
Previous projects: AGRICAB: Kenya, Mozambique, Senegal (EC-FP7). GMFS: Malawi (ESA- GMES). PITDD: Haiti (EC-EDF): AMESD: Kenya, etc. (EC-EDF). AGROSCENARI: Italy (Ministry of Agriculture MIPAAF). CLIMAGRI: Italy (MIPAAF). PHENAGRI: Italy (MIPAAF). Vulnerability Analysis & Mapping: Georgia (WFP). Land use planning Zambezi Valley: Zimbabwe (FAO). Nura Era Conversion Project: Ethiopia (Italian development cooperation)