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Publications - AGT (Tom) Schut
Core Publications
Learning from the soil’s memory: Tailoring of fertilizer application based on past manure applications increases fertilizer use efficiency and crop productivity on Kenyan smallholder farms
European Journal of Agronomy -
Assessing yield and fertilizer response in heterogeneous smallholder fields with UAVs and satellites
Field Crops Research -
Rapid Characterisation of Vegetation Structure to Predict Refugia and Climate Change Impacts across a Global Biodiversity Hotspot
PLoS One 9 (1): e82778. -
Improved wheat yield and production forecasting with a moisture stress index, AVHRR and MODIS data
Crop & Pasture Science 60(1): 60-70. -
Imaging spectroscopy for on-farm measurement of grassland yield and quality
Agronomy Journal 98(5): 1318-1325.