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Projects - dr. S (Spyros) Paparrizos

SAFE4ALL - Safeguarding African Foodsheds and Ecosystems for all Actors across Local, regional and international Levels to manage migration

(2024 - 2027) -


ClearClimate - Engaging approaches and services for meaningful climate actions

(2023 - 2027) -


Path4Med - Demonstrating Innovative Pathways Addressing Water and Soil Pollution in the Mediterranean Agro-Hydro-System

(2024 - 2028) -


LODESTAR - Low-cost Disaster & Emergency Services for Communities At Risk

(2024 - 2027) -


ML-CLIMATE - iMproving cLimate information serviCes for sustainabLe agrIculture by integrating scientific and indigenous forecasts using Machine leArning TEchniques

(2022 - 2023) -

StoryMap with LocaL Forecast Knowledge:


WATERAPPscale - upscaling and implementing WaterApps information services in Bangladesh, building on the WaterApp's knowledge base to increase the resilience of smallholder farmers (2021 - 2023) -


WAGRINNOVA - Co-innovations across scales to enhance sustainable intensification in water-managed agricultural systems in West Africa (2019 - 2022) -


RECSA - Climate Smart Agriculture for a resilient Bangladesh; promoting farmer-friendly Weather, Water and Climate Information Services to forecast plant diseases; engaging females in Information Services to enhance access and information (2020 - 2024) -


WaterApps - Water information services for sustainable food production in peri-urban delta areas in Ghana and Bangladesh (2016 - 2021) -