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Projects - S (Sonja) de Vries

Currently, I am involved in several multidisciplinary projects, focusing at the challenges we face with the shift in feed resources and the increased fiber level of diets in circular agriculture; focussing on nutriotnal models and the role of fiber in digestive proecess.

See an overview of current and completed projects at: 


Project output (key publications):

Modelling digestion kinetics in pigs - Predicting nutrient absorption based on diet ingredient properties. Marijke Schop. 2020. PhD Thesis. 

Fibre degradation by pig microbiota. Cheng Long. 2020. PhD Thesis. 

Short and long term effects of early nutrition in broiler chickens. Maarten Hollemans. 2020. PhD Thesis. 

Nutrient yield from starch - Consequences for energy balance and meal patterns. Rik van Erp. 2019. PhD Thesis.