Back to profile Projects - CA (Sander) Mücher Projects by CA Mucher DCBD Caribisch Nederland DCBD Caribisch Nederland - WUR Project DCBD Caribisch Nederland De minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV) is verantwoordelijk voor... OBSERVATION OF ECOSYSTEM CHANGES FOR ACTION (OBSGESSION) OBSERVATION OF ECOSYSTEM CHANGES FOR ACTION (OBSGESSION) - WUR Project OBSERVATION OF ECOSYSTEM CHANGES FOR ACTION (OBSGESSION) OBSERVATION OF... Remote sensing natuurgebieden 2020 Remote sensing natuurgebieden 2020 - WUR Project Remote sensing natuurgebieden 2020 A study will be conducted into the current possibilities of remote... GenTORE – GENomic management Tools to Optimize Resilience and Efficiency GenTORE will develop selection and management tools for farmers to optimize the balance between cattle resilience and efficiency in a range of...