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Contact person for... - GH (Richard) Immink
Molecular control of flowering and reproduction of plants (Immink Group)
Flowering induction marks the start of the reproduction cycle and the final reproductive success of plants strongly depends on the timing of this... -
Physiology of Flower Bulbs
Physiology of Flower Bulbs - WUR Physiology of Flower Bulbs Almost all bulbous plant species are monocots, including the economically important... -
The regulation of dormancy in Tulipa gesneriana
The regulation of dormancy in Tulipa gesneriana - WUR The regulation of dormancy in Tulipa gesneriana One of the most important ornamental plants for... -
Characterization of the FT/TFL1 family in Tulipa gesneriana
Characterization of the FT/TFL1 family in Tulipa gesneriana - WUR Characterization of the FT/TFL1 family in Tulipa gesneriana Tulip is one of the most...
New institute to develop 'smart breeding' method for more resilient and climate-adaptive agriculture
6 juli 2023 | The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) will contribute 15 million euros to a CropXR research programme into 'smart breeding' of... -
Dutch cabinet invests €42 million in CROP-XR institute for faster development of resilient agricultural crops
14 april 2022 | Over the next ten years, the Dutch government will invest 42 million euros in CROP-XR, a new, virtual institute aimed at developing agricultural crops... -
Clearance for 50 million euro programme proposal Plant-XR
22 september 2021 | A revolutionary method to make crops more resilient to climate change and other threats is one step closer to becoming reality. A team of universities...