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Education - RS (Reineke) van Tol MSc

FNP-24806 Together with Dr. Arjen Buijs I teach the course People in Forest & Nature conservation, in which students get acquainted with theory around human-nature relationships and conceptualizations thereof, recreational management and active citizenship for conservation.

FNP-51803 As part of my research I developed and coordinate the summer course Wild Perspectives, a course that reflects on our role as human beings in the world and allows students to step into non-human perspectives through storytelling, theatre play and landscape design. The whole course is situated outside to provide a relational multi-species learning setting.

Find here two news articles on the Wild perspectives course in the Resource and national newspaper Trouw. If you are  a student and interested to join the course, please send me an email.


FNP24806 People's contributions to Forest & Nature Conservation
FNP51803 Wild perspectives
FNP24806 People's contributions to Forest & Nature Conservation