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Projects - ir. HM (Martijntje) Vollebregt
Food waste supermarkets
Food waste supermarkets - WUR Project Food waste supermarkets Since 2018, the supermarket industry has been mapping food waste. Participating... -
Call for Partners | Food2Food 2.0
Wageningen Food & Biobased Research developed an in-house tool, the Procestimator, to design and analyse valorisation options for side streams. -
STV-1 Monitoring Voortgang voedselverspilling
STV-1 Monitoring Voortgang voedselverspilling - WUR Project STV-1 Monitoring Voortgang voedselverspilling Jaarlijks wordt in Nederland naar schatting... -
ProOrg - Code of Practice for organic food processing
The organic food market is one of the fastest growing food sector in the world. A major part of the organic food consumed is processed. Therefore, the... -
EU-ProOrg - WUR Project EU-ProOrg ProOrg - How to choose the best organic food processing method? The organic food market is one of the fastest... -
Mild Fractionation of Suspensions and Emulsions (modelling)
Mild Fractionation of Suspensions and Emulsions (modelling) - WUR Project Mild Fractionation of Suspensions and Emulsions (modelling) Introduction In...