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Education - dr. PM (Marijn) Poortvliet

I teach the following courses:

Risk Communication (CPT-24306)

Sociale Psychologie (MCB-10806)

Food Hazards (FHM-20806)

Furthermore, I supervise thesis projects around the themes of risk communication and acceptance/adoption of novel technologies/practices across various contexts. Please contact me if you're interested in one of my thesis subjects.


CPT71324 MSc Internship Strategic Communication
CPT81330 MSc Thesis Strategic Communication
ENT21306 Insects as Food and Feed
CPT79524 MSc Research Practice Strategic Communication
CPT24306 Risk Communication
CPT71224 MSc Internship Strategic Communication
CPT78524 MSc Research Practice Strategic Communication
CPT81336 MSc Thesis Strategic Communication
CPT81324 MSc Thesis Strategic Communication
MCB10806 Social Psychology