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Projects - ir. MT (Marieke) Brouwer
Recycling - Sustainable packaging - Design - Recycling - LCA (Life cycle assessment)
Plastics transition pathways for a circular biobased economy
This project researches the possibilities for a future plastics system based on biogenic & biodegradable plastics. -
PhD project SUR-PLAS-Path
PhD project SUR-PLAS-Path - WUR Project PhD project SUR-PLAS-Path Each KB programme includes a project to strengthen WU-WR collaborations through... -
Models of the recycling chain for Dutch plastic packaging
In the past few years, Wageningen Food & Biobased Research has carried out several projects to analyse material flows. The emphasis was on plastic... -
The share of recyclable packaging on the Dutch market - update 2021
This study shows that only 27% of the plastic packaging on the Dutch market can easily be recycled with the current common sorting and recycling... -
Recyclability of flexible laminates currently used in/for foodpackaging
Within CRISP (Center for Research in Sustainable Packaging) Wageningen Food & Biobased Research studied the recyclability and circularity of... -
Recycled PET in new bottles
Ulphard Thoden van Velzen, Fresia Alvarado Chacon, and Marieke Brouwer from Wageningen Food & Biobased Research investigated the influence of the...