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Projects - dr. LH (Lusine) Aramyan MSc

Projects by LH Aramyan

  1. ACTTiVAte (H2020). Supports innovation in SMEs and foster the smart reindustrialization of Europe by enabling the emergence of new cross-border and cross-sectoral value chains from four different sectors, aerospace, agri-food, health and ICT
  2. REFRESH (H2020) .Behavioural economic approaches and scenarios for food waste prevention, reduction and valorization 
  3. FUSIONS (EU-FP7).Identifying social food waste drivers and contributing to policymaking at European and national levels, addressing socially innovative solutions for optimized food use, including the development of recommendations for a Common Food Waste Policy for EU27. Scenario analysis on current trends of food waste generation and exploring socio-economic policy incentives for waste prevention and reduction.
  4. EU policy on GM soy: tolerance threshold and asynchronic approval (FEDIMA)
  5. Study on the Implications of Asynchronous GMO Approvals for EU Imports of Animal Feed Products ( EU-DG AGRI
  6. Welfare Quality (EU-FP6). Evaluating the likelihood of the adoption of Welfare Quality (WQ) assessment system in European agri-food supply chains. The perceptions of different stakeholders in agri-food supply chains in the Europe about the adoption possibilities of WQ assessment system have been analysed by means of conjoint analysis. http://
  7. Q-pork Chain (EU-FP6). A scenario study on reallocation of different links of the pork supply chains in the European taking into account economic and environmental sustainability aspects
  9. PEGASUS (EU-FP7). Analysing the socio-economic aspects of adoption of products from GM animals in food and pharmaceutical production chains by means of scenario analysis
  10. PreSTO GMO (ERA-NET). ). Horizon scanning of emerging GM applications