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Projects - LFM (Leo) Marcelis

Phd Projects

  • LED lighting in greenhouse horticulture – Photomorphological responses in relation to growth and production (Pavlos Kalaitzoglou)
  • LED lighting in greenhouse horticulture - Photosynthetic acclimation and estimation of carbon fixation (Craig Taylor)
  • Dynamic transitions of leaf photosynthesis in response to changes in light intensity (Elias Kaiser)
  • Healthy fruits by localised LED lights on fruits (Nikos Ntagkas)
  • Unraveling the dual propagation strategy of plants (Faline Plantenga)
  • Abiotic stress in tomato (Alejandro Bustamente)
  • Genetic regulation of the cell cycle in tomato fruit by a network of transcription factors and its modification by growth conditions: a systems biology approach to explain tomato fruit growth and quality (Robert Okello Ongom)
  • The effect of genotype and environment on root exudation (René Kuijken)
  • Improving and quantitative understanding of Light Use Efficiency of greenhouse grown crops (Tao Li; finished 2015)
  • Growth and development in relation to shoot apex temperature in greenhouse crops (Andreas Savvides; finished 2014)

Webinars on fertilization in horticulture


In co-production with Wageningen UR the Haifa Group has organized a series of four webinars delivered by Prof. Dr. Leo Marcelis of the Horticulture & Product Physiology group.

In 4 online seminars of 1 hour Prof. Marcelis presented practical key topics on advanced fertilization:
1. Optimizing quality
2. Optimizing growth
3. Optimizing color and appearance
4. Optimizing nutrition and climate

Watch first webinar on optimizing quality at :

Watch second webinar on optimizing growth at:

Watch third webinar on optimizing color and appearance at:


Watch fourth webinar on optimizing nutrition and climate a


TIME SCALE: water and nutrient supply to plants for future space missions (ISS, Mars, Moon)

Scientific knowledge on whole-plant physiology and fundamental processes under Moon and Mars gravity conditions is essential to ensure a safe and reliable food supply in future space exploration. The knowledge will impact not only on innovations of life supports systems in space but also on agriculture on Earth. The EU (Horizon2020) has funded the TimeScale project, which project develops modular equipment in scalable advanced life support systems for space exploration (International Space Station, Moon, Mars). In this project Wageningen University cooperates with 7 European universities and companies.

In this project the role of Wageningen University is to design a water and nutrient delivery system for crop cultivation in life support systems in space. The technical focal point will be to provide a healthy root zone environment, avoiding hypoxia, while having optimal availability of water and nutrients in a closed loop system. To create this environment online monitoring and control systems of oxygen availability and nutrient solution composition will be developed. The scientific objective is to assess and model water, nutrient and oxygen uptake and physiological transport in the plant. A scientific mechanistic model simulating water uptake, transpiration, cation uptake and distribution in the plant as well as oxygen consumption of roots will be developed and tested on ground. Arabidopsis thaliana, lettuce and tomato (mini varieties) will be used as model plants for food crops.


more info about this project at: