drs. JA (Koen) Boone
Coordinator Sustainable Value ChainsFollow me:
Koen Boone is employed by Wageningen Economic Research part of Wageningen University and Research. He is Director Europe of the Sustainability Consortium (TSC). TSC (www.sustainabilityconsortium.org) develops and standardizes methods to measure sustainability on product level together with more than 100 global NGO’s, universities and companies. Before joining TSC, Koen led a research/statistical unit of about 80 FTE monitoring sustainability of Dutch agriculture. Koen has 20 years of experience on measuring sustainability on all kind of levels (product, company, farm, sector). He is a member of several advisory committees on sustainability investment and communication of sustainability to consumers. He worked with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) on the development of GRI guidelines for sustainability reporting for the Food Processing Industry and developed sustainability scans for the agribusiness.