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Projects - K (Kiki) Streng MSc

PhD project - Arbovirus surveillance in livestock

My PhD project is part of a large consortium - One Health Predicting Arbovirus Climate Tipping points (OHPACT) - that started in 2019. 
In my PhD project I focus on surveillance of arboviruses, mainly mosquito-borne viruses such as West Nile virus, Usutu virus, Japanese Encephalitis virus but also some tick-borne viruses like Tick-Borne Encephalitis virus. Currently, there is no active arbovirus surveillance in place in livestock or other domesticated animals in the Netherlands. During my project, I want to perform serological surveys to look at the prevalence of some of these viruses in animals. Next to this, we will look at current and possible future surveillance strategies and assess their effectivity and quality for the Netherlands. We will also, in collaboration with other partners in the consortium, look at future agricultural scenarios and assess if these scenarios would change our arbovirus surveillance approach.

For more information on the One Health PACT consortium, you can click this link