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Projects - prof.dr. JHH (Justus) Wesseler
Marketing Patterns of Genetically Modified Food in Dutch Grocery Shelves
Marketing Patterns of Genetically Modified Food in Dutch Grocery Shelves - WUR Project Marketing Patterns of Genetically Modified Food in Dutch... -
Bio-based production in developing countries
Bio-based production in developing countries - WUR Project Bio-based production in developing countries The primary aim is to investigate the... -
GeneBEcon - WUR Project GeneBEcon GeneBEcon assesses the impact of regulatory options for New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) in the EU. GeneBEcon is a... -
EU project BIOECONOMY - WUR Project EU project BIOECONOMY BioMonitor is an EU Horizon 2020 project which plans to establish a sustainable statistics... -
Evaluating the impacts of investments in agroforestry operations Africa
Environmental, social and economic impacts of investments in certified plantations and associated industrial operations in Africa are evaluated using...