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Projects - dr. WJJ (Jos) Bijman

Individual PhD projects that I supervise(d) focus on the following themes:

  • Relationship management in avocado chains in Mexico
  • Member – Cooperative relationships in Brazil
  • Quality Coordination in Potato Supply Chain in Ethiopia
  • Contracting in Biofuel Farming Systems in Brazil
  • Contract Farming in oilseeds in Malawi
  • Cooperatives and Rural Development in China 
  • Contracting in vegetables value chains in Indonesia
  • Organisational innovation in horticulltural value chains in Uruguay and Chile.
  • Multinationals and modernisation of malt barley value chains in Ethiopia.
  • Quality improvement in dairy value chains in Kenya
  • Resilience of potato value chains in Kenya
  • The role of Producer Organisations in the transformation towards sustainable horticultural systems in Uruguay
  • Contract farming and producer organisations in vegetables supply chains in central Java, Indonesia