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Education - dr. JAB (Jessica) Duncan
PhD, Food Poilcy, City University London (UK)
MA, Sociology, University of Victoria (Canada)
RSO79224 | MSc Research Practice Rural Sociology |
RSO33306 | Food, Health and Society: An Integrated Socio-Political Perspective |
RSO21306 | Political Sociology for Development |
RSO34806 | Social Transformations towards Sustainable Food Systems |
GEO58806 | Gender and Diversity in the Life Sciences Domains |
RSO80424 | MSc Thesis Rural Sociology |
RSO80436 | MSc Thesis Rural Sociology |
RSO80430 | MSc Thesis Rural Sociology |
RSO59303 | Major Works in Social Sciences |
GEO58806 | Intersectional Feminist Approaches |
RSO70424 | MSc Internship Rural Sociology |
RSO79324 | MSc Research Practice Rural Sociology |
CPT57302 | Food Security and Sustainability: Food Access |
RSO70224 | MSc Internship Rural Sociology |
RSO59303 | Major Works in Social Sciences |
RSO51303 | Capita Selecta Rural Sociology |
RSO34806 | The Politics of Food Systems Transformations |
CPT57302 | Food Security and Sustainability: Food Access |
RSO50806 | Capita Selecta Rural Sociology |
RSO80436 | MSc Thesis Rural Sociology |
RSO80430 | MSc Thesis Rural Sociology |
RSO80424 | MSc Thesis Rural Sociology |
RSO79324 | MSc Research Practice Rural Sociology |
RSO79224 | MSc Research Practice Rural Sociology |
FSE21306 | Exploring the Future of Farming and Food |
RSO33306 | Food, Health and Society: An Integrated Socio-Political Perspective |
ENP53806 | Climate Sociologies of the Everyday: food, energy, tourism and migration |
RSO70424 | MSc Internship Rural Sociology |
RSO70224 | MSc Internship Rural Sociology |