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Education - JM (Jantsje) van Loon-Steensma

I am the coordinator and a lecturer in the BSc minor course 'Disaster Risk Management and Nature Based Solutions, and I supervise MSc thesis research. Furthermore, I am involved at the University of Applied Sciences van Hall Larenstein in a minor and the professional Masters River Delta Development.


WSG35306 Modelling Future Water Stress
WSG52306 Disaster Risk Management and Nature Based Solutions
WSG35306 Modelling Future Water Stress
WSG52306 Disaster Risk Management and Nature Based Solutions
ESA70424 MSc Internship Environmental Systems Analysis
ESA70224 MSc Internship Environmental Systems Analysis
ESA70424 MSc Internship Environmental Systems Analysis
ESA70224 MSc Internship Environmental Systems Analysis
ESA79224 MSc Research Practice Environmental Systems Analysis
ESA79224 MSc Research Practice Environmental Systems Analysis