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Education - JC (Jan-Kees) Goud

Distance learning MSc Plant Breeding

Since 2015-2016.

On-campus courses:

  • PBR-22803 Plant Breeding
  • PBR-21803 Pre-Breeding

Courses part of the distance learning MSc Plant Breeding:

  • PBR-22303 Principles of Plant Breeding
  • PBR-32803 Markers in Genetics and Breeding
  • PBR-33803 Germplasm and Seed Technology
  • PBR-36303 New Trends in Plant Breeding
  • YPS-60315 Plant Breeding Design Cluster

More education/life-long learning:

>> Online course Plant Breeding (through Wageningen Academy) 
>> Online Course Plant Pathology and Entomology (through Wageningen Academy)


PBR70224 MSc Internship Plant Breeding
PBR21803 Pre-breeding
PBR80424 MSc Thesis Plant Breeding
PBR80436 MSc Thesis Plant Breeding
PBR79224 MSc Research Practice Plant Breeding
PBR79324 MSc Research Practice Plant Breeding
PBR31802 Breeding for Quality
PBR33803 Germplasm and Seed Technology
PBR70424 MSc Internship Plant Breeding
PBR22303 Plant Breeding
YPS60315 Plant Breeding Design Cluster
PBR36804 Markers in Quantitative Genetics and Plant Breeding
PBR36303 New Trends in Plant Breeding
YPS60315 Plant Breeding Design Cluster
PBR70424 MSc Internship Plant Breeding
PBR80424 MSc Thesis Plant Breeding
PBR80436 MSc Thesis Plant Breeding
PBR79224 MSc Research Practice Plant Breeding
PBR79324 MSc Research Practice Plant Breeding
PBR70224 MSc Internship Plant Breeding
PBR60806 Plant Breeding Skills Cluster
PBR60309 Plant Breeding Design Project
PBR36804 Markers in Quantitative Genetics and Plant Breeding
PBR36303 New Trends in Plant Breeding
PBR33803 Germplasm and Seed Technology
PBR31802 Breeding for Quality
PBR22303 Plant Breeding
PBR23306 Plant Breeding
PBR21803 Pre-breeding
PBR10301 Onboarding Plant Breeding (online master)