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Education - HJ (Herman) van Eck


PBR70224 MSc Internship Plant Breeding
PBR21803 Pre-breeding
GEN11806 Fundamentals of Genetics
PBR80424 MSc Thesis Plant Breeding
PBR80436 MSc Thesis Plant Breeding
PBR79224 MSc Research Practice Plant Breeding
PBR79324 MSc Research Practice Plant Breeding
PBR33803 Germplasm and Seed Technology
PBR21306 Biosystematics, Evolution and Agrobiodiversity
PBR70424 MSc Internship Plant Breeding
GEN11806 Fundamentals of Genetics
PBR33803 Germplasm and Seed Technology
PBR31803 Genetics
PBR23306 Plant Breeding
PBR21803 Pre-breeding
PBR21306 Biosystematics, Evolution and Agrobiodiversity
PBR70424 MSc Internship Plant Breeding
PBR80424 MSc Thesis Plant Breeding
PBR80436 MSc Thesis Plant Breeding
PBR79224 MSc Research Practice Plant Breeding
PBR79324 MSc Research Practice Plant Breeding
PBR70224 MSc Internship Plant Breeding