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Projects - CJ (Christine) Bunthof

Programme Manager Feed & Food. WOT Food Security. (2023-

Interim manger KB 34 Circular and Climate Neutral Society (2022-2023)


Manager of Account Joint Programming (2011-2023
The officers of this account provide information, liaison, and involvement in European Partnerships for Research Coordination, with a focus on strategic research agenda's, scoping and lobby, alignment and joint actions of Member States and EU.

Website and Newsletter:

Joint Programming Initiative Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (2010 -

FACCE-CSA: Support Action for FACCE Secretariat (2011-2014)

FACCE-EVOLVE: Support Action for FACCE Secretariat (2015-2020)

Platform of knowledge-based bioeconomy relevant ERA-NETs under FP7 (2012-2014)

H2020 Platform of bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions (2015-2018)

FACCE ERA-GAS: ERA-NET Cofund on monitoring and mitigation of greenhouse gases from agri- and silvi-culture (2016-2021)

FACCE FOSC: ERA-NET Cofund Food Systems and Climate (2019-2025)

SCAR CASA: Support to the SCAR - the Member States' permanent committee for agricultural research and the wider bioeconomy of DG RTD, unit Bioeconomy (2016 - 2019)

MicrobiomeSupport: building joint vision and research agenda on food systems microbiome reseach and strengthening funders and experts community in support of the International Bioeconomy Forum initiated by DG RTD Unit Bioeconomy and Canada. Members include the EU, US, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, India, China, Australia. The IBF has a working group with all IBF member states on food microbiome (2018 - 2022)

EJP SOIL (2020-2025)