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Projects - CE (César) del Pozo Loayza

Title: Exploring the role of tourism sector to promote sustainable food choices: the case of Cusco, Peru. How to get tourism’s food choices on a sustainable track

Abstract: I propose to identify and evaluate effective interventions to stimulate behaviour changes in the selection of more sustainable foods in the tourism sector in Peru. This PhD thesis proposal is intended to address the research question: How to stimulate a change in behaviour for more sustainable food choices in the tourism sector in Peru?

More specifically: 

  • What are the trends over time in food choice habits in the Peruvian tourism sector?
  • Tourists are willing to pay more for food's sustainable attributes: healthy, fair-trade?
  • Nudges aiming to promote healthy are effective to increase better food choices in the tourism sector?
  • Fair-trade as a differentiation strategy can increase performance of firms in the hospitality sector?